Helitec was called upon to undertake stone wall repairs at Turramurra.
Turramurra is an Aboriginal word which is thought to mean either high hill, big hill, high place, or small watercourse. The Aboriginal reference of high hill covered the range from Pymble to Turramurra
The Hillview estate is situated on the Pacific Highway, started circa 1890 with a modest Federation cottage facing the highway. Later, the owner realized the commercial potential of the site, with its sweeping views, and built a grand, two-storey Federation home at the rear, to be used as a guesthouse, circa 1913. A large, six-car garage with a dwelling above it was added at the western end of the site in 1915. The estate was later leased out to Ku Ring Gai Hospital, Hornsby, to be used as the Hillview Community Health Centre. The entire estate is heritage-listed.
Damaged stone wall

Helitec Structural Services had previously restored the entrance arches to this magnificent building. Recently the stone wall along the Pacific Highway was badly damaged in a car crash. Thankfully no-one was injured, just the wall.

Helitec employed conservation technics to ensure the wall was reinstated using methods and materials duplicating the original workmanship. After carefully deconstructing the damaged stone blocks they were replaced to their original positions. Westox heritage lime, sand, cement and adhesives were used and tinted to match the original finish after weathering.
We use the lastest technologies to reinstate the structural integrity and historical beauty of conservative buildings. Our conservation works are carried out so that the life of a building is extended without any effect on its historical fabric. We use modern materials that restore the structural integrity of a conservation building without leaving any evidence of the remediation works. Once installed the remediation technology is concealed and unseen. We use heritage mortars and masonries to simulate historical building methods, especially when we are undertaking stone wall repairs.
Job Complete Wall repaired and cleaned
Contact one of our friendly staff members to discuss your need for BUILDING + RESTORATION + REMEDIAL works.
