This Double Bay home had extensive internal and external wall cracking. Helifix stainless steel Helibars were installed during the cracked wall repair using a cementious grout. Where needed Resities added stability to cavity walls fixed with resins.

Helifix Resities
Helitec measured out the optimum placement for the 8mm 316 grade S.s. helical ties. 150 ties x 205mm L were installed throughout the home. The ties were chemically anchored using Epoxy-plus resin. Once installation is complete Helitec Structural Services undertake rigorous pull testing and we then document the results. Warranties are available for every structural job we do.

Helifix 8mm Helibar and Grout
When walls are cracking and need a permanent solution Helitec Structural Services uses Helifix Stainless Steel Helical Bars. Helifix remedial systems use tried and tested methods to reinstate the structural integrity of a building using sustainable products. We use the latest technology to guarantee your cracked wall repair.

Rendering, Plastering, Painting
Helitec Structural Services have a team of tradesmen so that all of your project can be completed and managed by us. Our renderers are first class and can replicate many render finishes from different building eras and styles. Our industry contacts mean we can source special plasters, cornices, roses and plaster styles. A good build can be made great by having attention to detail on all paint finishes. We generally apply a three coat system to our paint refinishes using the very best paint. We only use high quality paint types and varnishes. All of tradesman come highly recommended for your cracked wall repair.

Helitec Structural Services are approved Helifix installers. All our tradesmen undergo an in-house training programme so they have the latest and most innovative skills. Our extensive experience in masonry cracked wall repair means we can guarantee our repairs and you have the peace of mind knowing your cracked wall has been repaired permanently.

Contact us today for your free consultation, inspection or quote. Our friendly staff are always available to discuss your building repair needs.